(For Both School and Private Candidates)
This examination format is a revised version of the 2008 format issued by the National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA). The format is based on the Geography syllabus of 2005. The emphasis in this revised format is on competence-based assessment featuring higher order thinking skills. Despite the changes outlined, there are no changes in the examination content.
The examination will assess the extent to which the candidates can:
2.1 demonstrate knowledge of resources at national and global levels;
2.2 use the skills of observation, measuring, drawing, recording and interpreting geographical phenomenon and apply them in solving daily life problems; and
2.3 apply the socio-economic skills for competing in the labour market of the globalised world.

The examination will assess the candidates’ ability to:
3.1 identify the country’s heritage;
3.2 use sustainably natural resources to raise the standard of living;
3.3 use different ways to overcome day-to-day social and economic constraints;
3.4 explain interactions between their country and other countries and draw lessons to solve the existing problems;
3.5 draw, locate, present, observe, record, analyse, interpret geographical phenomenon and conduct research;
3.6 utilise skills and take appropriate measures to manage the environment; and
3.7 utilise socio-economic skills to compete successfully in the labour market within the globalised world.
There will be one (1) paper of three (3) hours. The paper will consist of three
sections A, B and C with a total of 10 questions. The candidates will be required to answer a total of nine (9) questions which will weigh 100 marks
Section A will consist of two (2) questions (questions 1- 2). Question one (1) will consist of ten (10) multiple-choice items. Each item will weigh one (1) mark, making a total of ten (10) marks. Question two (2) will consist of five (5) matching items. Each item will weigh one (1) mark, making a total of five (5) marks. Candidates will be required to answer all the questions. Hence this section will carry 15 marks.

Section B will consist of five (5) short answer questions (questions 3-7). Each question will carry 11 marks. Candidates will be required to answer all questions. The section will carry 55 marks.

Section C will consist of three (3) essay questions (questions 8-10). The candidates will be required to answer two (2) questions. Each question in this section will weigh 15 marks. The whole section will carry 30 marks.
The following topics will be assessed:
5.1 The concept of geography
5.2 The solar system
5.3 Major features of the Earth’s surface
5.4 Weather
5.5 Climate
5.6 Map reading and interpretation
5.7 Photograph reading and interpretation
5.8 Elementary surveying and map making
5.9 Introduction to research
5.10 Application of statistics
5.11 Agriculture
5.12 Water management for economic development
5.13 Sustainable use of forest resources
5.14 Sustainable mining
5.15 Tourism industry
5.16 Manufacturing industry
5.17 Sustainable use of power and energy resources
5.18 Transport
5.19 Structure of the earth
5.20 Forces that affect the Earth
5.21 Climate and natural regions
5.22 Soil
5.23 Human population
5.24 Settlements
5.25 Environmental issues and management