Both School and Private Candidates)
This examination format is a
revised version of the 2008 format issued by the National Examinations Council
of Tanzania (NECTA). The format is based on the 2010 syllabus. The revised
format emphasises on the assessment of candidates’ competences in higher order
thinking skills. The improvements made in the format, however, do not affect the
examination content, which remains unchanged.
The examination will assess the
extent to which the candidates are able to:
2.1 develop
knowledge on concepts, laws, theories and principles of Physics;
2.2 apply procedures
of scientific investigation;
2.3 use scientific
principles on conservation and sustainable use of the environment;
2.4 promote
manipulative skills to manage various technological appliances; and
2.5 develop the
language of communication in Physics.
The examination will assess the
candidates’ ability to:
3.1 apply Physics
knowledge, principles and concepts in daily life;
3.2 apply scientific
methods in solving problems in daily life;
3.3 apply
technological skills in conservation and sustainable use of the environment;
3.4 manage simple
technological appliances; and
3.5 use the language
of Physics in communication.
The examination will consist of
two papers. Paper 1 (031/1 Physics 1Theory Paper) and Paper 2 (031/2 Physics 2
Practical Paper).
031/1 Physics 1
This examination paper will be
for three (3) hours. It will consist of three sections: A, B and C with
a total of 11 questions. Candidates will be required to answer a total
of 10 questions which will weigh 100 marks.
Section A will consist of two
(2) questions with question 1 being a multiple choice question with 10 items.
Question 2 will be matching items with five (5) items. Each item in both
the multiple choice and matching items questions will weigh one (1) mark,
making a total of
15 marks in this
section. Candidates will be required to answer all the questions.
Section B will consist of six
(6) short answer questions each carrying 10 marks. Candidates will
be required to answer all the questions. This section will weigh a total
of 60 marks.
Section C will consist of three
(3) short answer questions aimed to assess the candidates’ skills in managing
the application of Physics and other simple technological appliances in
everyday life. The candidates will be required to answer two (2) questions
from this
section. Each question will carry
12.5 marks, making a total of 25 marks in this section.
031/2 Physics 2
This paper will be either the
Actual Practical or Alternative to the Practical. Three equivalent alternatives
of the actual practical papers (031/2A Physics 2A, 031/2B Physics 2B and
031/2C Physics 2C) will be set. Only one alternative to practical (031/2
Physics 2) will be set.
Candidates will be required to
sit for either actual practical or alternative to practical paper. The Actual
Practical paper will be for 2½ hours. The paper will consist of two
(2) questions and candidates will be required to answer all the
questions. Question 1 will be from the Mechanics topics and question 2 will be
either from Heat, Light, Waves or Electricity topics. Each question will carry 25
marks, hence a total of 50 marks. The Alternative to Practical paper
will be of 2½ hours. The paper will consist of five (5) questions.
Candidates will be required to answer all
the questions. Each question will
carry 10 marks, making a total of 50 marks. This paper will cover various topics as outlined in
(i) The actual practical paper
will have more than one alternative paper, which will be sent to schools depending on the number of
candidates. Alternative A will be sent to schools with up to
100 candidates,
alternatives A and B to schools with candidates not exceeding 200 and alternatives A, B and C to schools with more than 200 candidates.
(ii) A check-list of apparatuses,
equipment and materials required for the examination will be sent to the
schools not less than three months before the date of sitting for this paper.
However, 24 hours advance
instructions will be dispatched in advance to be opened 24 hours for
laboratory arrangements before the time of beginning the examinations.
(iii) When answering the questions
in both theory and practical papers, candidates will be allowed to use
non-programmable calculators.
031/1 Physics 1 (Theory)
5.1.1 Introduction to Physics
5.1.2 Introduction to laboratory
5.1.3 Measurement
5.1.4 Force
5.1.5 Archimedes’ Principle and
Law of Floatation
5.1.6 Structure and properties of
5.1.7 Pressure
5.1.8 Work, Energy and Power
5.1.9 Light
5.1.10 Static electricity
5.1.11 Current electricity
5.1.12 Magnetism
5.1.13 Forces in equilibrium
5.1.14 Simple machines
5.1.15 Motion in a straight line
5.1.16 Newton’s Laws of Motion
5.1.17 Temperature
5.1.18 Sustainable energy sources
5.1.19 Application of vectors
5.1.20 Friction
5.1.21 Optical instruments
5.1.22 Thermal expansion
5.1.23 Transfer of thermal energy
5.1.24 Measurement of thermal
5.1.25 Vapour and humidity
5.1.26 Waves
5.1.27 Electromagnetism
5.1.28 Radioactivity
5.1.29 Thermionic emission
5.1.30 Electronics
5.1.31 Elementary astronomy
5.1.32 Geophysics
031/2 Physics 2 (Actual Practical)
5.2.1 Mechanics
5.2.2 Heat
5.2.3 Light
5.2.4 Waves
5.2.5 Electricity
031/2 Physics 2 (Alternative to Practical)
5.3.1 Mechanics
5.3.2 Heat
5.3.3 Light
5.3.4 Waves
5.3.5 Electricity
5.3.6 Magnetism
5.3.7 Electronics
5.3.8 Radioactivity